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Setting up Auto Posting of Listing Videos to YouTube using kvCORE

Setting up Auto Posting of Listing Videos to YouTube using kvCORE

Did you know inside Listing Automation you can set up auto posting of Listing Videos to post directly into your YouTube Channel? YES! Although these are really just slideshows with music... something is better than nothing when it comes to getting your Listing out there for organic searches and YouTube is very powerful! Go into your Listing Automation and edit the default kit or create your own kit and make sure to include the video! Then go to your social connections and add your youtube channel! Viola! Now your Listings will show up in your YouTube Channel! TIP: I would edit that title to include the full address for searching purposes and the Thumbnail, but at least it already populates your listing description! I hope this video helps! Let us know in the comments! For more tips, visit my website blog! Heather H Holliday is well-versed in all RE/MAX tools and has an extensive working knowledge of Canva, kvCORE, Lofty CRM, Megaphone, Photofy, YouTube, BombBomb, Mailchimp, and Constant Contact. Additionally, she has been a mentor coach for training programs with Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Craig Proctor, and several others. Heather's goal is to work with agents to create an online marketing plan that they can put into action to take their business to the next level. Her approach is to help agents work smarter, not harder, through personalized training and support. kvCORE Master Course: Social Marketing Club: Social Marketing Nut Visit Our Website: Facebook: Instagram:
Creating a Landing Page using Canva Link in kvCORE

Creating a Landing Page using Canva Link in kvCORE

Creating a Landing Page using Canva Link in kvCORE Have a Relocation Guide? Buyer, Seller, Staging, etc Guide that you have created inside Canva? By using the Canva Website link inside the Landing Page it is a LIVE document that as you edit inside of Canva, anyone who fills out the form inside the Landing page will always see the most updated version without having to recreate the entire landing page! Watch this video as we create the Landing Page using the Canva Link, add our own background image on the landing page and add to our Menu Bar! Heather H Holliday is well-versed in all RE/MAX tools and has an extensive working knowledge of Canva, kvCORE, CHIME CRM, Megaphone, Photofy, YouTube, BombBomb, Mailchimp, and Constant Contact. Additionally, she has been a mentor coach for training programs with Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Craig Proctor, and several others. Heather's goal is to work with agents to create an online marketing plan that they can put into action to take their business to the next level. Her approach is to help agents work smarter, not harder, through personalized training and support. kvCORE Master Course: Social Marketing Club: Social Marketing Nut Visit Our Website: Facebook: Instagram:
Setting Up Your Domain for IDX Integration inside kvCORE

Setting Up Your Domain for IDX Integration inside kvCORE

You can forward your domain to your kvCORE website for free, however, in my opinion it takes too long to redirect and the links you have listed everywhere seem to have issues as well. Many will say having your site on your own domain has huge SEO benefits as well! I highly recommend fully setting up your personal vanity domain through the kvCORE marketplace. Go into your kvCORE dashboard - Marketplace - Vanity Domain and fill out the form. If you are comfortable updating your DNS Nameservers in your domain registar - GoDaddy-, they will send this information to you once IDX is fully approved or provide them with your login information and they will set it up for you (note - most registars require two factor login so make sure to be on the lookout for those codes to send support when you get them)! Also - TIP - Make sure to let your Broker know to be on the lookout for the IDX paperwork that they will need to sign as well as you! The faster everyone signs, the faster the set up! Heather H Holliday is well-versed in all RE/MAX tools and has an extensive working knowledge of Canva, kvCORE, CHIME CRM, Megaphone, Photofy, YouTube, BombBomb, Mailchimp, and Constant Contact. Additionally, she has been a mentor coach for training programs with Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Craig Proctor, and several others. Heather's goal is to work with agents to create an online marketing plan that they can put into action to take their business to the next level. Her approach is to help agents work smarter, not harder, through personalized training and support. Social Marketing Nut Visit Our Website: Facebook: Instagram:


Importing your contacts into kvCORE can be a simple process if you use their importing template Here are some tips and the spreadsheet you can start working on now so when it opens in your area you are ready to go!

When importing contacts into kvCORE, you have two options: let us handle it for you to save time and avoid incorrectly importing your data or import the contacts yourself to retain full control over the process.


Regardless of the import option you choose, we recommend that you use the applicable import template as a guide for formatting your file.


Please Note: You will not get New Lead Notifications for leads you manually add or are via a CSV.


Import Templates (Recommended)

Please Note: There is a max file size of 2MB. The file must contain a header row.

kvCORE Lead Import Template - USA Format

Please Note: Imported Leads CANNOT have automated Campaigns and/or Search Alerts assigned to leads using the import hashtag (i.e."import1234567") or the Souce "Lead Import". Imported Leads CAN have automated Campaigns and/or Search Alerts assigned to leads with a unique Hashtag, Status, Type, etc.


Some Other Tips:

Import Overview (1 min.)

Supported Import Fields (4 min.)

How to Send a Welcome Email After Importing Your Contacts (3 min.)

🎥US Lead Import File - Video (8 min.)

🎥Do It Yourself - Video (3 min.)

🎥Let kvCORE Handle It - Video (3 min.)


Check out the many Tutorials kvCORE has available with some tips on making your import smooth! Click Here

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